KML Viewer and Converter

A simple and easy tool to View your KML on map and Convert your KML to CSV, KMZ, GPX, GeoJson, TopoJson files.

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Allows you to View and Convert your KML file and much more.

KML Viewer

Application allows you to view your KML on map with this mobile application.

KML Converter

A simple and easy tool to View your KML on map and Convert your KML to CSV, KMZ, GPX, GeoJson, TopoJson files.

Open with KML Converter

Easy to use anywhere on your android, iPhone, iPad or tablet you will see open with KML converter option.

Affordable Price

KML Viewer and Converter free to download for limited time, download now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is list of Frequently Asked Questions from our users. It does not answer your question feel free to drop mail to

What is KML?

KML stands for the keyhole markup language. KML is a file format that shows geographical data in the earth browser such as google earth. KML is a tag-based structure and with the nested elements and structure and based on the XML standard. All tags are case-sensitive and this tags reference depends on the KML file.

It includes line, polygon, images. It is used to identify label location, find a camera angle, overlay texture and add HTML tag.

What is KML viewer and converter?

KML viewer and the converter easily convert your file into KMZ, GPX, Geojson, Topojson, CSV. KML viewer and converter used on the map. Many people trouble when shown KML file in the map and it is very troublesome. By the use of KML viewer and converter load, your KML file converts in any form like KMZ, GPX, Geojson, Topojson, CSV. KML viewer and converter easy to load your file and convert it easily. This app is free to convert and view your file.

How it is work?

KML viewer and converter tool are offhand and convert your file in fewer time. KML viewer and converter how to use are shown in some straightforward steps that shown in below.

Import your KML file from Dropbox or else in your google drive. In this step, many of your KML file and here you choose any one KML file When you choose your file here you can see your instant preview that how it shows look like. To convert the file choose your format KML to KMZ, GPX, Geojson, Topojson, CSV, KML choose any one format. Now click on share and your work is done.

In those simple steps, you can convert your file easily with adaptable file format.

KML can be converted which formats?

KML can be converted to CSV, KMZ, GPX, GeoJson, TopoJson.

Does it works offline?

Yes, the app works flawlessly without internet. But you need internet when app loads for first time.